Karachi: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has directed officials to accelerate the pace of various development projects across the province. He issued these directives while presiding over a meeting in Karachi. According to Radio Pakistan, the meeting included briefings from several key ministers. The Sindh Minister for Energy provided an update on the Sindh Solar Energy Project, a joint initiative with the World Bank, which is valued at 27 billion rupees. This project aims to enhance energy resources within the region. Additionally, Sindh Minister for Works and Services, Ali Hasan Zardari, discussed the ongoing construction of forty-four roads under the Asian Bank Flood Assistance Project. This endeavor is crucial for improving infrastructure and connectivity in flood-affected areas. Sindh Minister for Local Bodies, Saeed Ghani, also contributed to the meeting by updating attendees on the Competitive and Livable City of Karachi project. This project is focused on enhancing urban development and li vability in Karachi. The chief minister emphasized the importance of completing all ongoing projects within their designated timelines and urged the ministers to expedite their efforts to meet the set deadlines.