
Balochistan Apex Committee reviews law and order situation

Fifteenth meeting of Balochistan Apex Committee was held in Quetta today with Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki in the chair.

During the meeting, the overall law and order situation and measures to conduct peaceful, fair and impartial el…


Pakistani, Iranian diplomats greet each other on return

Pakistani and Iranian diplomats have greeted each other on the return of their countries’ ambassadors to the respective embassies.

In a post on X, Additional Foreign Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rahim Hayat Qureshi expressed his delight on …


Electioneering gains momentum ahead of general elections

Electioneering is picking up momentum ahead of the general elections to be held on the 8th of next month.

The political parties are holding public gatherings in order to win support of voters.

Additionally, candidates are participating in corner me…


PPP launches its website for general elections

Pakistan People’s Party has launched its website in connection with the upcoming general elections.

The PPP’s manifesto and the Public Economic Agreement have also been published on the website.

Source: Radio Pakistan


Nawaz Sharif unveils party’s election manifesto

PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif unveiled his party’s election manifesto in Lahore today.

Speaking at a party event, he said PML-N’s manifesto has been prepared with great efforts and would be fully implemented if party voted to power.

Nawaz Sharif termed …


PML-N, GDA announce election manifestoes

PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif unveiled his party’s election manifesto in Lahore today.

Speaking at a party event, he said PML-N’s manifesto has been prepared with great efforts and would be fully implemented if party voted to power.

Nawaz Sharif termed …